Space Coast Lactation is currently offering insurance coverage for Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, Anthem PPO, Cigna (does not include Health First Plans), and Humana/Tricare East.
find your coverage
For all other insurances, we have partnered with Reimbursify to help you submit your out-of-network insurance claims, in an attempt to collect reimbursement.. The process is simple and quick.
If you have Tricare or wish to pay using your HSA/FSA or self pay.
For those with BCBS, Anthem or Cigna plans, please verify your insurance plan through our partner, The Lactation Network.
Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Cigna
Verify coverage
explore Reimbursify
Most insurance companies are required to cover preventative lactation services, which includes breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling without any additional copays, deductibles or cost-sharing.
For more information on how to ensure that you are receiving your benefits as required by law, please check out the National Women’s Law Center’s Breastfeeding Toolkit to assist you. This kit also includes great language for how to call your insurance company and demand services.
When contacting your insurance company for precertification, they may request the following info: